10 Tips on How To Get More People To Subscribe to Your Email

10 Tips on How To Get More People To Subscribe to Your Email - Elevate Your Small Business - 2
Source: https://www.precisionmarketinggroup.com/blog/how-to-get-people-to-subscribe

Suppose that for your entire life, you make your rice using one recipe. Do you really think the same rice will remain tempting after some time?

That’s a hard No!

Obviously, you will end up getting bored. What will you do then? You will try to mix things up, like adding chicken to it or beef. Or you might go one step ahead and start eating spaghetti instead.

The same is the case with getting new email signups. You can’t rely on one method hoping to reap endless benefits from it.

Now getting people to sign up for your email newsletter may be a big feat. But nothing that cannot be overcome.

The challenge lies in getting new subscribers to replace the ones that degrade over time. It only takes a few moments to attract new newsletter sign up. And we can help you with that.

Here are 10 surefire ways to get more email sign ups.

1) Pop-Up Window and Landing Page

Source: https://optinmonster.com/16-ridiculously-simple-ways-to-get-more-email-subscribers-in-less-than-5-minutes/

You may have seen slide-in, drop-down, or pop-up windows whenever you visit a website. Most website visitors are shown this pop-up in the first few seconds they open a website.

This is the first attempt to attract new subscribers eager to learn more about your business.

This pop-up window must be attractive and allow users to escape it if they want. Most websites use these pop-up windows to ask website users to subscribe to their newsletter. Once you click the subscribe button, you may be taken to a separate landing page.

This landing page is an excellent opportunity to engage users. You can attract them to the benefits and perks of being subscribed to your email list.

2) Incentives With Email Signups

Source: https://optinmonster.com/16-ridiculously-simple-ways-to-get-more-email-subscribers-in-less-than-5-minutes

Suppose people sign up through a sign up form or by visiting your landing page.

Now it is essential to keep them interested by regularly updating your newsletter. Email subscribers must have some benefit that sets them apart from others on your website.

These incentives are in the form of a free gift, free tools, or small discounts. Most businesses opt for sending their email subscribers early sales. Your strategy will depend on your specific target audience.

Make sure to remind subscribers about the newsletter benefits to generate more traffic to your newsletter landing page. These incentives will invite more subscribers.

3) Sort Out Your Mailing List With an Opt-In Campaign for Email Subscribers

Source: https://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/32028/25-clever-ways-to-grow-your-email-marketing-list.aspx

Send an email to your subscribers to opt-in if they want to continue receiving emails from you. This helps weed out stale subscribers. It may be more effective to inform them that all email sign up that fails to opt in will be removed from the mailing list.

They can either opt in by clicking a button in the email or be redirected to an opt-in form on a landing page.

Don’t worry about being counterintuitive.

This is a better way to gain engagement from subscribers interested in your content upgrades. Thus, allowing you to clear out your mailing list.

Your opt-in email can be paired with a fun landing page. And it can redirect users to a thank you or appreciation animation.

4) Lead Generation Offer or Sign up Form

Source: https://www.precisionmarketinggroup.com/blog/how-to-get-people-to-subscribe

Both of these strategies do essentially the same thing. Suppose a visitor has spent a certain amount of time on your website. After a while you can ask them to simply sign up to the website to continue scrolling.

These sign up forms usually ask for email addresses. Ask them to sign up for your newsletter on the sign up page. Trust us more than half of the users will tick yes. These sign up forms are a great way to collect email addresses with the users’ consent.

Another great way to collect email addresses is lead magnets or lead generation ads. These redirected pages ask you to sign up before you can download something off the site or avail of an offer such as a free ebook or free tools.

5) Use a Blog Post To Attract More Email Subscribers

Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=blog+post&sxsrf=ALiCzsblGyT5VPfwW1Gi47dudItW2ZuxTg:1664379398415&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjZksG26Lf6AhWW_7sIHcPwBq0Q_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=1366&bih=617&dpr=1#imgrc=m2NvYhHoscpVIM

Once again, landing pages are your best friend. You can attract new subscribers immediately by offering them bonus content via attractive landing pages.

Something that reminds them that they can continue to be notified once you post more content.

This landing page can be triggered once the site visitors click like on your blog post or spend some time on your website.

Give them a choice to subscribe to your newsletter by entering their information into simple sign up forms.

6) Create a Connection With Your Email Subscribers

Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.precisionmarketinggroup.com%2Fblog%2Fhow-to-get-people-to-subscribe&psig=AOvVaw2pwQRyZBb1tf4ctgj5aSGI&ust=1664464525222000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjhxqFwoTCPCPqdnjt_oCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAw

Curate your content to be light-hearted and fun. Send your subscribers a welcome email to show them you care.

Afterward, it is essential to regularly update your email subscribers.

Make your emails are part of a personal and meaningful conversation that engages the users with your content.

Allow your email subscribers to feel like they are talking to a friend. For that the subject lines and the body of the email should be casual and in first person.

Once they sign up, make them feel like they have become part of something bigger.

Email marketing sounds formal, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Give your emails a personal touch and watch your email getting more subscribers.

7) Grow Your Email List by Using a Call to Action Button

You can use your Facebook page to grow your email list if you are an influencer. Adding a call to action button on top of your profile can direct users to a landing page. The call to action will ask them to sign up for more information or updates on a specific cause.

This inevitably generates more traffic to your digital newsletter and creates engagement on your social media accounts.

Other social media platforms can also be used to remind people of the perks of being a newsletter subscriber.

8) Exclusive Content for Newsletter Subscribers

Source: https://www.precisionmarketinggroup.com/blog/how-to-get-people-to-subscribe

Social media platforms such as Facebook page and YouTube videos are excellent platforms for attracting subscribers. It can be a great way to remind your existing subscribers and new users about the benefits of the newsletter.

Mention that the subscribers get exclusive tips, free content, and other valuable content that other visitors do not have access to.

Convert abandoning visitors into subscribers by constant contact and uploading relevant content.

Run email campaigns and update your subscribers about your growing family via email.

9) Countdown Your Email Subscribers

Use pop-up windows and lead magnets to show website visitors your number of subscribers. You can promise a free gift or exclusive content upgrades once you reach a certain number. Use a counter to show users when you get new sign up.

This can also work as a lucky draw or fun little online contest between new and current email subscribers. At the same time, you continue to grow your email list.

10) Showcase Social Proof

Once you’ve reached a good number of email subscribers, showcase the number when people are redirected to the sign up page. This is a fantastic way to encourage email subscribers since the numbers will do all the talking for you.

Seeing how many subscribers you already have will build rapport, and users will feel more comfortable signing up since they can see proof.


Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/finger-touch-businessman-mail-2956974/

Email subscriptions can be scary when you factor in the spam and the fear of getting hacked. It is essential to allow your email subscribers to feel safe.

This way they will know that they are signing up for something that has benefits rather than just junk.

Creative landing pages, sign up forms, and social proof are great ways to attract email subscribers and grow your email list. A signup form will do wonders for you.

Remember to keep your content fun and fresh so that people are tempted to see what you come up with next. That’s what will make your email marketing strategies rock!

Don’t forget to share and let us know if you have any questions.

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